Benefits of the Hungarian Residency Bond Program
Published at: 06/03/2014 10:18 am

There are two main advantages of the Hungarian Residency Bond Program comparing with the schemes of other EU member states.
First of all by participating in the Hungarian program, you don’t have to buy a property or you do not have to pay a lot of money for the treasury. Instead of this the paid amount is an investment which the Hungarian state pays back tot the investors after five years. The only non refundable costs are the agency and processing fees.
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The second very important advantage is the short time frame of the process. From the first contact the whole process can be done during only one month! The applicant can start the process from his/her home then, has to come to Hungary with one single travel everything can be organized.
There is a relatively new and that’s why not known benefit of the Hungarian Residency Bond Program. There is no official minimum time what the new residents have to stay in Hungary. It means with a Schengen visa in their hands, they can freely move everywhere in the European Union. But they must have a Hungarian address. Anycase, this is the the only residency program in the whole EU, which gives total freedom for the participants.
Also very important that the original investment and the agency and process fee is valid for the whole family! The spouse and the minor children will get the permanent residency (residency permit for lifetime in the EU) without any additional costs!
There are no renewal costs, it is enough to invest once and you and your family can use the Hungarian residency forever.
With the Hungarian residency the holder of the permanent residency permit can travel within the Schengen area without border control or visa. The participatns can apply for visa of other countries (not in the EU) from Hungary!
The investment is totally safe because the Hungarian state guarantees the repayment of the residency bonds.