Hungary to spend more money on research

Published at: 04/05/2016 03:09 pm

Hungary to spend more money on research

The prime minister said the government is planning to spend a total of 1,200 billion forints (EUR 3.9bn) on research, development and innovation in the next four years.Addressing the opening ceremony of the general assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Viktor Orbán said that the total will bring Hungary close to the European average of research spending-GDP ratio of 1.9%.

The future and quality of Hungary’s science is not a political issue, Orbán said. He noted that there is increased global demand for scientists, and countries not only in the west but also in the east are luring talent. Hungary will face the challenge, he said, according to

Speaking about the government’s contribution to Hungary’s scientific development, the prime minister noted that the country had raised its science spending from 1% of GDP in 2010 to 1.4% in 2016, financing such projects as the CERNWigner Data Centre and allocating some 12 billion forints to the national brain research programme between 2014 and 2017.


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