Which is the best residency by investment program for you if you hate hot weather?

Published at: 24/09/2024 12:34 pm

Which is the best residency by investment program for you if you hate hot weather?

If you're weary of hot weather and yearn for the comfort of milder or colder climates, let's explore the details that can bring you relief and a sense of home. The typical reasons to invest in exchange for a residency permit are freedom of travel, business, security, good schools, and health care. However, the weather has added a new reason to the old ones. As global weather gets hotter, several people seek a haven with better weather.

In this case, the colder countries are in North America and Europe. 
With its extensive portfolio, Discus Holding Ltd is your trusted guide to some of the best countries to escape the scorching summer heat.

The USA, with its diverse climate, offers a range of options. The E-2 and the EB-5 are the most popular residency programs by investment. You can settle in several northern states with colder climates.

The E-2 is a residency by investment program; the minimum investment amount is 200,000 USD. Its processing time is the shortest, only a month. However, only citizens of a view of selected countries can apply. That's why several applicants obtain affordable citizenship through investment, where the nations qualify for the E-2 scheme. Our experts at Discus Holdings Ltd know how to be eligible for the E-2; set up a consultation with us now!

The other residency by investment program is the EB-5. Its requirement is a returnable investment of at least 800,000 USD. 85% of the applicants become Green Card holders.

If you need snow, then Austria or Switzerland are your best choices. In Austria it is enough to prove that they are:

  • financially independent (22,800 euros annual income)
  • own or rent a property to live in
  • no criminal record
  • knowledge of the German language

Austria and Switzerland share the Alpines; you will definitely need a jacket even during the summer.

Switzerland is the home of the finest ski resorts and the polo game on ice in St Moritz. Don't worry about the hot weather; even the southern Locarno is cold enough.


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